1. Name
2. Email
3. How many selling strategies and methods do you currently employ?
4. How many selling strategies have you tested in the last year?
5. Do you know you know what the marginal net worth is for your products and customers?
6. Do you use a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that quickly tells others about your product or service?
7. Do you know the turnover rate of your customer base and why they stop buying from you?
8. Do you institute a customer retention program to maintain and reenergize your customers and inactive customers?
9. Do you have a complete databases of your potential customers and current customers with their names, contact numbers, buying criteria, what they didn’t buy, where they came from, what they bought, etc.
10. Do you know where your business comes from and how to get more customers to buy more?
11. Do you know where your biggest source of untapped new business is and how to ultimately mine it?
12. Does at least 25% of your business currently come from referrals?
13. Is the average number of referrals you get every month going up or down? Growing or dropping?
14. Do you have a reliable system of collecting and creating client testimonials and success stories?
15. If “yes,” how many client testimonials and success stories do you have?
16. Do you effectively and powerfully use your testimonials in all the marketing, advertising and sales efforts you do?
17. Do you have respected people in your field, market, industry who unhedgingly endorse you and your company?
18. How many endorsements do you have?
19. Do you have a continuous system/approach program actively in place to continually secure more prominent endorsement?
20. Do you have any strategic alliances/host beneficiary relationships actively in place right now?
21. If “yes,” how many strategic alliances/host beneficiary relationships are you currently doing promotions with right now?
22. Are you adding host beneficiary endorsements (i.e., complementary businesses, publications, associations) to your marketing mix every quarter?
23. If “yes,” how many (on average) are you adding to your marketing mix every quarter?
24. Do you repeatedly test headlines or their equivalent (i.e., opening sentence of your presentations, phone-in sales calls, telemarketing scripts, greeting at trade shows, etc.
25. If “yes,” how many different headlines or equivalent have you successfully tested in the last 12 months?
26. Do you have a systematic, ongoing follow-up system you follow and put into action for every prospect and first time buyer you acquire?
27. How often do you follow up to past buyers/clients by phone, mail, e-mail or in-person?
28. Do you know your allowable cost of acquiring a new prospect and/or clients and if “yes,” do you invest up to that amount in your marketing efforts to acquire new buyers?
29. Do you have a progressive backend; meaning, you keep logically either reselling clients ongoing quantities of your basic products/services or you keep adding new additional backend products or services to the sales cycle.
30. If yes, how many different progressive, backend products do you offer?
31. Do you spend more of your time on marketing or managing?
32. Do you believe Peter Drucker’s quote that marketing and innovation are the two things that create customers and profits; everything else is an expense?
33. Do you use risk reversal to close sales and differentiate your business from your competitors?
34. If yes, how many different ways have you tested reversing the risk?
35. How many of these key, marketing factors do you regularly test?
36. Do you offer bonuses (either tangible or intangible) as an incentive to purchase your product or service now?
37. How much of a difference have your tests made on either your results/response/profit?
38. Do you do PR/media relationships/radio/newspaper/magazine interviews?
39. Do you use the results of these activities in excerpts or reproductions as part of your marketing?
40. Do you write articles, special reports or a book(s) you use for promotional positioning?
41. Do you have a prime prospect list or lists you market to by either direct mail, e-mail, telemarketing, catalog or sales personnel?
42. Do you know what your return on investment is for Lead/Prospect Generating, Lead Generating and Sales Conversion and/or Reselling Buyers?
43. Do you have a continuous way to build a growing prospect/client e-mail list?
44. How often do you send quality e-mails out that provide a benefit to your clients and/or prospects?
45. Are your e-mails, educational/contact-based and not merely self-serving?
46. Do you have a direct response-formatted website that is built around my marketing principles?
47. Do you do effective (meaning successful at both attracting and then converting) search engine optimization that builds more prospects, buyers, business?
48. Do you have a Power Parthenon of different marketing activities in place where prospects/clients/revenue flow in from multiple profit pillars/streams? If yes, how many pillars in your Power Parthenon?
49. Do you have a target prospect list of strategic partners – i.e., companies that either already have a strong relationship with the same people you want to sell–or new, competitive organizations that have more to gain then even you do by seeing you sell your product/service to more people/companies.
50. If “yes,” how many prospective, new “strategic partner” companies (with complete contact data) are there on that list?
51. Have you and all your people who have contact with your prospects/buyers had formalized strategic consultative/advisory sales training?
52. If yes, how often do you retrain and advance their skills in this all-important revenue-generating factor?
53. How many competitive advantages have you created for your business?
54. Do you have successful ways to acquire new clients/buyers at a breakeven and that makes your real profit on the backend?
55. If “yes,” how many different approaches do you use?
56. Do you regularly educate and update your prospects and clients?
57. How many prospect lists have you located and use that better target your best defined prospects?
58. Do you really think your marketing makes irresistible offers to your prospects?
59. If “no,” how many ways can you come up with right now to strengthen the appeal, attractiveness, effectiveness of your sales, advertising, promotional offers and propositions?
60. How may more complementary (up-sell/cross-sell) products/services do you currently add to your sales proposition?
61. Do you offer buyers greater/larger units/quality product to increase the size of each sale?
62. If “no,” how many possibilities can you come up with right now for doing this?
63. Do you endorse or do joint ventures with other companies to sell THEIR products/service to YOUR buyers and prospects?
64. Do you hold, run, or do special events such as seminars, new product introductions, end of year promotions, close out promotion, private sales, meet the management events, meet the manufacturer events, meet the creator-type events, etc.?
65. Do you ethically (but effectively) prepare buyers from their very first purchasing experience with you to keep coming back to purchase over and over again?
66. Do YOU personally talk to your buyers, prospects, and clients regularly to learn what they want and then build a relationship with them?
67. Do you regularly shop/buy from your competitors to see what they do differently or are doing that your company doesn’t do?
68. There are between 15 and 30 key impact or leverage points that can positively increase your business’ sales/profit performance. How many have you identified?
69. Do you have a written marketing strategy and tactical implementation plan you continuously apply and follow?
70. If “yes,” do you regularly monitor and measure results and performance of every element of that plan and adjust, replace, improve areas or activities whenever performance drops or does not exceed specific targeted benchmarks you’ve established?
71. Do you have a complete e-mail marketing strategy you constantly adhere to, implement and follow?
72. Do you study the success approaches other companies’ use that can be adapted and adopted by you?
73. If “yes,” do you regularly (at least once a quarter or more) pick approaches you want to try out and then actually test them to see if they perform better than the ones you are currently using?
74. Does your marketing, sales approaches and advertising activities focus on benefits or features?
75. Do you know the top five reasons why prospects don’t buy from you?
76. Do you have a compelling way to overcome each of those five objections or resistance points?
77. Do you really know what your business ideology is and can you explain it in a paragraph or less?
78. Do you know all of the marketing assets (both tangible and intangible) your business has available to it?
79. Have you identified all the different revenue-generating activities your business is engaged in doing which would enable you to start improving and maximizing each one?
80. How often do you invest time, effort and committed focus to learn better ways to improve the sales, marketing, profit and/or competitive performance of your business?
81. Do you make you are your business an expert in the industry?
82. Do you know what the biggest underutilized opportunity in your business that is immediately available to maximize?
83. Do you know what areas of your marketing for your business is weak, i.e., prospecting follow-up, converting, re-selling, referrals, etc?
84. Do you know where your biggest growth and/or profit opportunity lies?
Question 1 of 84